Meet Imogen

“Change happens through movement, and movement heals.” - Joseph Pilates

Waypoint Pilates was founded by Imogen Johnson in 2021.

A certified Bodymotion® Pilates instructor with extensive experience in Pilates, Yoga, Barre, and TRX, Imogen is passionate about all things health & people. Imogen started practicing Pilates at 17 years of age and never looked back. She became a qualified instructor in 2019 and she has since taught in Germany, Canada, and Scotland. She aspires to create mindful and effective workouts, which will leave you feeling not-only moved, but stronger & in tune with your own body.

Her classes always centre around her clients’ needs and she uses classic & contemporary Pilates elements to keep her practice innovative, engaging, and just-the-right-level of challenging.

When Imogen isn’t busy teaching classes, she supports people as a registered Health Psychologists, enjoys active past-times with her husband, bakes and chases around a toddler & overly-affectionate husky.

“Most amazing class! Imogen is the most incredible, motivating and inspiring teacher!”

— Ciara O.

Imogen’s instructions are always clear and precise. It’s a joy to be in her class.

— Amy C.

Thanks for the soothing voice, corrections and encouragement.

— Kim A.

Wonderful class, really felt the work in my arms and shoulders. Thank you Imogen for your amazing instruction!

— Sobia N.

Always fabulous!

— Anne-Marie T.